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To activate Plasmid Auto Annotation upon your sequence use the menu item Analyze ‣ Annotate plasmid. In the appeared dialog one can selected the features to search in sequence. 


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The detected plasmid features are stored as automatic annotations and can be controlled through corresponding menu. Refer Automatic Annotations Highlighting to learn more.

Plasmid Auto Annotations consists 471 carefully selected and annotated plasmid features broken down into 12 feature categories.
FeatureDB consists of a single FASTA file with These are shown in Table 1. FeatureDB was created  These are shown in the followind table:

This features database has been created by combining the original FASTA formatted PlasMapper 2.0 feature database (which had 336
features) with AddGene’s sequence feature database (https:
//  followed by extensive manual editing,
duplicate removal, validating and cleaning.

