Prepare a query schema and save it to a file.

Open a nucleotide sequence that you want to analyze with this query schema. You can see the sequence displayed in the Sequence view.

To learn more about the Sequence view read the main UGENE User Manual.

Select the Analyze ‣ Find query designer pattern item in the Actions main menu or in the context menu:

     <img src="/wiki/download/attachments/4686246/Running Schema from the Sequence View.png"/>

The Analyze with query schema dialog appears:

     <img src="/wiki/download/attachments/4686246/Running Schema from the Sequence View_1.png"/>

Browse for the file with a query schema. The selected schema preview appears in the dialog, for example:

     <img src="/wiki/download/attachments/4686246/Running Schema from the Sequence View_2.png"/>

You can also adjust other parameters:

Range — the sequence range to analyze with the query schema, you can select:

Save annotation(s) to — specifies where to save the result annotations:

Group name — name of the annotation group. Note, that the annotation name is set in the query schema file.