Each element used in the schema must be described inside the body.

An element description consists of the element name and a set of parameters enclosed in curly braces. A parameter and the value are separated by ‘:’, different parameters are separated by ‘;’:

element_name {


See, for example, a description of the Read alignment element:

read-msa {
    name:"Read alignment";

Note, that the values of the parameters for an element can also be presented in the iterations block.

For all elements the following parameters are defined:

For custom elements there is special parameter:

dump-info {
    type:"Script-Dump sequence info"
    name:"Dump sequence info"
    script {
        out_text=getName(in_sequence) + ": " + size(in_sequence);

The list of parameters available depend on an element. Refer to the Workflow Elements chapter to find out the parameters for a particular element.

To set a script value for a parameter use the following form:

parameter_name {
    a script value