Reads sequences and annotations if any from the Distributed Annotation System.

Parameters in GUI

ParameterDescriptionDefault value

Feature Sources

The DAS sources to read features from.InterPro-Matches-Overview, Pride DAS 1.6, UniProt, cbs_sort, signalp

Reference Sources

The DAS source to read reference from.

UniProt (DAS)
Resource ID(s)Semicolon-separated list of resource ID`s in the source. 
Save file to directoryThe directory to store sequence files loaded from the source.default


Type: fetch-das

ParameterParameter in the GUIType
annotationsFeature Sources string
databaseReference Sourcesstring
resource-idResource ID(s)string
save-dirSave file to directorystring

Input/Output Ports

The element has 1 output port:

Name in GUI: Sequence

Name in Schema File: out-sequence


Slot In GUISlot in Schema FileType
Set of annotationsannotationsannotation-table-list