Finds annotations for the supplied DNA sequence in the NCBI remote database.

Parameters in GUI

ParameterDescriptionDefault value
Database (required)Selects the database to search through. Available databases are blastn, blastp and cdd.ncbi-blastn
Annotate asName of the result annotations. 
Expected valueThis parameter specifies the statistical significance threshold of reporting matches against the database sequences.10
Max hitsMaximum number of hits.10
Short sequenceOptimizes search for short sequences.False
BLAST outputLocation of the BLAST output file. This parameter insignificant for cdd search. 

Parameters in Schema File

Type: blast-ncbi

ParameterParameter in the GUIType


Available values are:

  • ncbi-blastn
  • ncbi-blastp
  • ncbi-cdd
result-nameAnnotate asstring
e-valExpected valuestring
max-hitsMax hitsnumeric
short-sequenceShort sequenceboolean
blast-outputBLAST outputstring

Input/Output Ports

The element has 1 input port:

Name in GUI: Input sequence

Name in Schema File: in-sequence


Slot In GUISlot in Schema FileType

And 1 output port:

Name in GUI: Annotations

Name in Schema File: out-annotations


Slot In GUISlot in Schema FileType
Set of annotationsannotationsannotation-table