The dashboard is a central place to view the overall progress of a single workflow. Every dashboard contains three tabs:

The following picture shows the sketch of the dashboard: 

  <img src="/wiki/download/attachments/3244811/Dashboards.jpg"/>

Overview tab

"Workflow Task" widget 

 It contains: 

  <img src="/wiki/download/attachments/3244811/Dashboards_1.jpg"/>

"Output Files" widget 

It contains a table with the information about all created output files. The table columns are:


  <img src="/wiki/download/attachments/3244811/Dashboards_2.jpg"/>

"Common Statistics" widget 

It contains a table with common statistic for each workflow element in the workflow. The table columns are:

  <img src="/wiki/download/attachments/3244811/Dashboards_3.jpg"/>

Input tab

"Parameters" widget

 It contains a table with common statistic for each workflow element's parameter in the workflow. The table columns are:

  <img src="/wiki/download/attachments/3244811/Dashboards_4.jpg"/>

External Tools tab


"External Tools" widget

It contains information about external tools. There are: 

  <img src="/wiki/download/attachments/3244811/Dashboards_5.jpg"/>