Parameters in GUI
Parameter | Description | Default value |
Annotation names (required) | List of annotation names which will be accepted or filtered. Use space as the separator. | |
Accept of filter | Selects the name filter: accept specified names or accept all except specified. | Accept |
Complement | Complements the annotated regions if the corresponding annotation is located on the complement strand. | True |
Translate | Translates the annotated regions if the corresponding annotation marks a protein subsequence. | True |
Extend left | Extends the resulted regions to left. | 0 |
Extend right | Extends the resulted regions to right. | 0 |
Gap length | Inserts a gap of a specified length between the merged locations of the annotation. | 1 |
Parameters in Schema File Workflow File
Type: extract-annotated-sequence
Parameter | Parameter in the GUI | Type |
annotation-names | Annotation names | string |
accept-or-filter | Accept or filter | boolean Available values are:
complement | Complement | boolean |
translate | Translate | boolean |
extend-left | Extend left | numeric |
extend-right | Extend right | numeric |
merge-gap-length | Gap length | numeric |
Input/Output Ports
The element has 1 input port:
Name in GUI: Input sequence
Name in Schema File Workflow File: in-sequence
Slot In GUI | Slot in Schema Workflow File | Type |
Sequence | sequence | sequence |
Set of annotations | annotations | annotation-table |
And 1 output port:
Name in GUI: Annotated regions
Name in Schema File Workflow File: out-sequence
Slot In GUI | Slot in Schema Workflow File | Type |
Sequence | sequence | sequence |
Set of annotations | annotations | annotation-table |