- About Unipro
- About UGENE
- Download and Installation
- Basic Functions
- UGENE Terminology
- UGENE Window Components
- Main Menu Overview
- Creating New Project
- Creating Document
- Opening Document
- Opening Containing Folder
- Exporting Documents
- Locked Documents
- Using Objects and Object Views
- Exporting Objects
- Using Bookmarks
- Exporting Project
- Search in Project
- Options Panel
- Adding and Removing Plugins
- Searching NCBI Genbank
- Fetching Data from Remote Database
- UGENE Application Settings
- Sequence View
- Sequence View Components
- Global Actions
- Sequence Toolbars
- Sequence Overview
- Sequence Zoom View
- Sequence Details View
- Information about Sequence
- Manipulating Sequence
- Going To Position
- Toggling Views
- Capturing Screenshot
- Zooming Sequence
- Creating New Ruler
- Selecting Amino Translation
- Showing and Hiding Translations
- Selecting Sequence
- Copying Sequence
- Search in Sequence
- Editing Sequence
- Exporting Selected Sequence Region
- Exporting Sequence of Selected Annotations
- Locking and Synchronize Ranges of Several Sequences
- Multiple Sequence Opening
- Annotations Editor
- Manipulating Annotations
- Sequence View Extensions
- Circular Viewer
- 3D Structure Viewer
- Chromatogram Viewer
- DNA/RNA Graphs Package
- Dotplot
- Creating Dotplot
- Navigating in Dotplot
- Zooming to Selected Region
- Selecting Repeat
- Interpreting Dotplot: Identifying Matches, Mutations, Invertions, etc.
- Editing Parameters
- Filtering Results
- Saving Dotplot as Image
- Saving and Loading Dotplot
- Building Dotplot for Currently Opened Sequence
- Comparing Several Dotplots
- Alignment Editor
- Assembly Browser
- Phylogenetic Tree Viewer
- Extensions
- Workflow Designer
- DNA Annotator
- DNA Flexibility
- DNA Statistics
- DNA Generator
- ORF Marker
- Remote BLAST
- Repeat Finder
- Restriction Analysis
- Molecular Cloning in silico
- In Silico PCR
- Secondary Structure Prediction
- Smith-Waterman Search
- HMM2
- HMM3
- ClustalW
- T-Coffee
- Bowtie
- Bowtie 2
- UGENE Genome Aligner
- CAP3
- SPAdes
- Weight Matrix
- Primer3
- Spliced Alignment (mRNA to genomic)
- External Tools
- Query Designer
- Plasmid Auto Annotation
- ClustalO
- Kalign Aligning
- DAS Annotating
- Expert Discovery
- Shared Database
- UGENE Public Storage
- UGENE Command Line Interface
- CLI Options
- CLI Predefined Tasks
- Format Converting Sequences
- Converting MSA
- Extracting Sequence
- Finding ORFs
- Finding Repeats
- Finding Pattern Using Smith-Waterman Algorithm
- Adding Phred Quality Scores to Sequence
- Local BLAST Search
- Local BLAST+ Search
- Remote NCBI BLAST and CDD Requests
- Annotating Sequence with UQL Schema
- Building Profile HMM Using HMMER2
- Searching HMM Signals Using HMMER2
- Aligning with MUSCLE
- Aligning with ClustalW
- Aligning with ClustalO
- Aligning with Kalign
- Aligning with MAFFT
- Aligning with T-Coffee
- Building PFM
- Searching for TFBS with PFM
- Building PWM
- Searching for TFBS with Weight Matrices
- Building Statistical Profile for SITECON
- Searching for TFBS with SITECON
- Fetching Sequence from Remote Database
- Annotating with DAS
- Gene-by-Gene Report
- Reverse-Complement Converting Sequences
- Variants Calling
- Generating DNA Sequence
- Creating Custom CLI Tasks
- Tutorials
- UGENE Terminology
- UGENE Window Components
- Main Menu Overview
- Creating New Project
- Creating Document
- Opening Document
- Opening Containing Folder
- Exporting Documents
- Locked Documents
- Using Objects and Object Views
- Exporting Objects
- Using Bookmarks
- Exporting Project
- Search in Project
- Options Panel
- Adding and Removing Plugins
- Searching NCBI Genbank
- Fetching Data from Remote Database
- UGENE Application Settings
- Sequence View Components
- Global Actions
- Sequence Toolbars
- Sequence Overview
- Sequence Zoom View
- Sequence Details View
- Information about Sequence
- Manipulating Sequence
- Going To Position
- Toggling Views
- Capturing Screenshot
- Zooming Sequence
- Creating New Ruler
- Selecting Amino Translation
- Showing and Hiding Translations
- Selecting Sequence
- Copying Sequence
- Search in Sequence
- Editing Sequence
- Exporting Selected Sequence Region
- Exporting Sequence of Selected Annotations
- Locking and Synchronize Ranges of Several Sequences
- Multiple Sequence Opening
- Annotations Editor
- Manipulating Annotations
- Circular Viewer
- 3D Structure Viewer
- Chromatogram Viewer
- DNA/RNA Graphs Package
- Dotplot
- Creating Dotplot
- Navigating in Dotplot
- Zooming to Selected Region
- Selecting Repeat
- Interpreting Dotplot: Identifying Matches, Mutations, Invertions, etc.
- Editing Parameters
- Filtering Results
- Saving Dotplot as Image
- Saving and Loading Dotplot
- Building Dotplot for Currently Opened Sequence
- Comparing Several Dotplots
- Workflow Designer
- DNA Annotator
- DNA Flexibility
- DNA Statistics
- DNA Generator
- ORF Marker
- Remote BLAST
- Repeat Finder
- Restriction Analysis
- Molecular Cloning in silico
- In Silico PCR
- Secondary Structure Prediction
- Smith-Waterman Search
- HMM2
- HMM3
- ClustalW
- T-Coffee
- Bowtie
- Bowtie 2
- UGENE Genome Aligner
- CAP3
- SPAdes
- Weight Matrix
- Primer3
- Spliced Alignment (mRNA to genomic)
- External Tools
- Query Designer
- Plasmid Auto Annotation
- ClustalO
- Kalign Aligning
- DAS Annotating
- Expert Discovery
- CLI Options
- CLI Predefined Tasks
- Format Converting Sequences
- Converting MSA
- Extracting Sequence
- Finding ORFs
- Finding Repeats
- Finding Pattern Using Smith-Waterman Algorithm
- Adding Phred Quality Scores to Sequence
- Local BLAST Search
- Local BLAST+ Search
- Remote NCBI BLAST and CDD Requests
- Annotating Sequence with UQL Schema
- Building Profile HMM Using HMMER2
- Searching HMM Signals Using HMMER2
- Aligning with MUSCLE
- Aligning with ClustalW
- Aligning with ClustalO
- Aligning with Kalign
- Aligning with MAFFT
- Aligning with T-Coffee
- Building PFM
- Searching for TFBS with PFM
- Building PWM
- Searching for TFBS with Weight Matrices
- Building Statistical Profile for SITECON
- Searching for TFBS with SITECON
- Fetching Sequence from Remote Database
- Annotating with DAS
- Gene-by-Gene Report
- Reverse-Complement Converting Sequences
- Variants Calling
- Generating DNA Sequence
- Creating Custom CLI Tasks