This sample describes how to identify sequences with the specified length.
First, the workflow reads sequences input by a user. Then, each sequence is marked either with the “Short” or with the “Long” mark, depending on the sequence length. After marking, the sequences are filtered by the marks. And finally, the filtered sequences are written into files, specified by a user.
By default, a sequence with a length 200 or less bp is marks as “Short”. A sequence with a length more than 200 bp is marks as “Long”. You can configure this value in the Sequence Marker element parameters.
To try out this sample, add the input files to the Read Sequence element, select the name and location of the output files in the Write Sequence elements (Write “Short” Sequences and Write “Long” Sequences) and run the workflow.
Also, if required, you can change parameters. Use the workflow wizard to guide you through the parameters setup process. The first wizard page will appear when you click on the Show wizard button on the Workflow Designer toolbar: